Type information

There is a possibility in Ü to obtain in compile-type various information about a type.

Special operator typeinfo exists for obtaining of type information. Type name is specified in <//>. The result of this operator is a reference to a constant structure that contains information about the given type.

fn Foo()
    auto &constexpr int_info = typeinfo</i32/>;

Type information contents

Typeinfo for each type has following fields:

  • size_type size_of - type size in bytes
  • size_type align_of - type alignment in bytes
  • bool is_fundamental - is a type fundamental
  • bool is_enum - is a type an enum
  • bool is_array - is a type an array
  • bool is_tuple - is a type a tuple
  • bool is_raw_pointer - is a type a raw pointer
  • bool is_class - is a type a struct or class
  • bool is_function_pointer - is a type a function pointer
  • size_type reference_tag_count - number of inner reference tags
  • bool is_default_constructible - is a type default-constructible
  • bool is_copy_constructible - is a type copy-constructible
  • bool is_copy_assignable - is a type copy-assignable
  • bool is_equality_comparable - is a type equality-comparable
static_assert( typeinfo</ char8 />.size_of == 1s );
static_assert( typeinfo</ f64 />.align_of == 8s );
static_assert( typeinfo</i32/>.is_fundamental );
static_assert( typeinfo</ [f64, 4] />.is_array );
static_assert( typeinfo</ tup[i32, bool] />.is_tuple );
static_assert( typeinfo</ fn() />.is_function_pointer );
struct S{}
static_assert( typeinfo</ S />.is_class );

There are also additional fields depending on the type kind.

Type information for fundamental types

  • bool is_integer - is a type integer
  • bool is_numeric - is a type numeric
  • bool is_signed_integer - is a type signed integer
  • bool is_unsigned_integer - is a type unsigned integer
  • bool is_float - is a type floating point
  • bool is_char - is a type char
  • bool is_bool - this type is bool
  • bool is_void - this type is void
static_assert( typeinfo</i16/>.is_integer );
static_assert( typeinfo</u64/>.is_numeric );
static_assert( typeinfo</i32/>.is_signed_integer );
static_assert( typeinfo</u32/>.is_unsigned_integer );
static_assert( typeinfo</f32/>.is_float );
static_assert( typeinfo</char16/>.is_char );
static_assert( typeinfo</bool/>.is_bool );
static_assert( typeinfo</void/>.is_void );

Type information for enums

  • size_type element_count - number of members in an enum
  • typeinfo & underlying_type - type information for enum underlying type
  • tup[] elements_list - a tuple, each element of which contains information about an enum member

Each enum member description contains:

  • [char8, size]& name - member name
  • underlying_type value - member value
enum E : u8 { A, B, C }
auto &info = typeinfo</E/>;
static_assert( info.element_count == 3s );
static_assert( info.underlying_type.is_unsigned_integer );
static_assert( info.underlying_type.size_of == 1s );
static_assert( info.elements_list[0].value == 0u8 );
static_assert( info.elements_list[1].value == 1u8 );
static_assert( info.elements_list[2].value == 2u8 );
static_assert( info.elements_list[0].name[0] == "A"c8 );
static_assert( info.elements_list[1].name[0] == "B"c8 );
static_assert( info.elements_list[2].name[0] == "C"c8 );

Type information for arrays

  • size_type element_count - number of elements in an array
  • typeinfo & element_type - type information for array element type
static_assert( typeinfo</ [ i32, 7 ] />.element_count == 7s );
static_assert( typeinfo</ [ f64, 1 ] />.element_type.is_float );

Type information for tuples

  • size_type element_count - number of elements in a tuple
  • tup[] elements_list - a tuple, each element of which contains information about a tuple element

Each tuple element description contains:

  • typeinfo & type - type information for element type
  • size_type index - index of this element in the tuple
  • size_type offset - offset in bytes of address of this element relative to address of the tuple
static_assert( typeinfo</ tup[] />.element_count == 0s );
static_assert( typeinfo</ tup[ f32, i32 ] />.element_count == 2s );
static_assert( typeinfo</ tup[ f32, bool, i32 ] />.elements_list[1].type.is_bool );
static_assert( typeinfo</ tup[ f64 ] />.elements_list[0].type.size_of == 8s );
static_assert( typeinfo</ tup[ i32, bool ] />.elements_list[1].offset == 4s );
static_assert( typeinfo</ tup[ i16, i16, i16, bool ] />.elements_list[3].index == 3s );

Type information for structs/classes

  • size_type field_count - number of fields
  • size_type parent_count - number of parents
  • bool is_struct - is a type a struct
  • bool is_polymorph - is a type polymorph
  • bool is_final - is a type final (from which it’s not possible to inherit)
  • bool is_abstract - is a type abstract (values of this type can’t be constructed)
  • bool is_interface - is a type an interface
  • bool is_typeinfo - is a type a typeinfo struct or its part
  • bool is_coroutine - is a type a coroutine type
  • tup[] fields_list - a tuple, each element of which contains information about a field of the struct or class
  • tup[] types_list - a tuple, each element of which contains information about a nested type of the struct or class
  • tup[] functions_list - a tuple, each element of which contains information about a struct or class function
  • tup[] parents_list - a tuple, each element of which contains information about a parent of the class

Each field, nested type, function description contains:

  • [char8, size]& name - a name of a member
  • bool is_public - is a member public
  • bool is_private - is a member private
  • bool is_protected - is a member protected

Each field description contains:

  • typeinfo & type - type information for field type
  • typeinfo & class_type - type information for struct or class in which this field is located
  • size_type offset - offset in bytes of address of this field relative to address of the struct or class
  • bool is_reference - is a field reference
  • bool is_mutable - is a field mutable

Each nested type description contains:

  • typeinfo & type - type information

Each function description contains:

  • typeinfo & type - function type description
  • bool is_this_call - is first parameter this
  • bool is_generated - is function generated by the compiler
  • bool is_deleted - is function marked as (= delete)
  • bool is_virtual - is this a virtual method

Each parent class description contains:

  • typeinfo & type - type information for parent class
  • size_type offset - offset in bytes of address of this parent relative to address of the class

Type information for polymorph classes contains also field size_type& type_id. See. “type_id”.

Type information for coroutines also contains following fields:

  • is_generator - is this a generator coroutine
  • typeinfo & coroutine_return_type - return type of a coroutine
  • bool coroutine_return_value_is_reference - does coroutine return reference
  • bool coroutine_return_value_is_mutable - does coroutine return mutable value
struct S{ i32 a; f32 b; bool c; }
class I interface {}
class A abstract {}
class NP {}
class PNF : I {}
class PF final : I {}

static_assert( typeinfo</S/>.is_struct );
static_assert( typeinfo</S/>.is_final );
static_assert( typeinfo</I/>.is_polymorph );
static_assert( typeinfo</I/>.is_abstract );
static_assert( typeinfo</I/>.is_interface );
static_assert( typeinfo</A/>.is_polymorph );
static_assert( typeinfo</A/>.is_abstract );
static_assert( typeinfo</NP/>.is_final );
static_assert( typeinfo</PNF/>.is_polymorph );
static_assert( typeinfo</PF/>.is_polymorph );
static_assert( typeinfo</PF/>.is_final );
static_assert( typeinfo</S/>.parent_count == 0s );
static_assert( typeinfo</PNF/>.parent_count == 1s );
static_assert( typeinfo</S/>.field_count == 3s );

Type information for function pointers

  • typeinfo & return_type - type information for return type
  • bool return_value_is_reference - does function return reference
  • bool return_value_is_mutable - does function return mutable value
  • bool unsafe - is function marked as unsafe
  • tup[] params_list - a tuple, each element of which contains information about a function parameter
  • return_references - an array with return references description (as in notation with @)
  • return_inner_references - a tuple with return inner references description (as in notation with @)
  • references_pollution - an array with references pollution description (as in notation with @)

Each parameter description contains:

  • typeinfo & type - type information for parameter type
  • bool is_reference - is this parameter reference
  • bool is_mutable - is this parameter mutable
type fn_ptr= fn( i32 x, f32& y, bool &mut z ) : i32;
auto& info = typeinfo</fn_ptr/>;
static_assert( info.return_type.is_signed_integer );
static_assert( info.return_type.size_of == 4s );
static_assert( !info.unsafe );
static_assert( info.arguments_list[1].type.is_float );
static_assert( info.arguments_list[1].is_reference );
static_assert( info.arguments_list[2].is_mutable );

Type information for raw pointers

  • typeinfo & element_type - type information for pointer element type