Type templates

It’s possible to create abstract types in Ü, that are parameterized with other types and values. Such types are named template types.

Struct and class templates

It’s needed to use template keyword with template parameters listed in <//> in order to create a struct or class template. There are two kinds of parameters - types and values. For a type parameter type keyword should be specified before the parameter name. For a value parameter type name should be used before the parameter name.

template</ type T />
struct Box{ T t; }

template</ type T, size_type s />
struct Arr{ [ T, s ] arr; }

For usage of type template its instantiation is required. Template arguments in <//> should be specified after the name of the template in order to do this.

template</ type T />
struct Box{ T t; }

template</ type T, size_type s />
struct Arr{ [ T, s ] arr; }

fn Foo()
    var Box</i32/> b_i{ .t= 0 };
    var Box</f32/> b_f{ .t= 0.0f };
    var Arr</ bool, 3s /> a{ .arr[ false, true, false ] };

Type templates specialization and overloading

In examples above short form of type templates is used. But there is also a full form of type templates. This form contains signature parameters of the template, which are specified after the name of the template struct or class. It’s possible to specify complex type names - arrays, tuples, functions and other templates. Default signature arguments are also possible.

template</ type T />
struct TypeExtractor</ [ T, 4s ] />
    type ElementType= T;

// Specify an array type in template instantiation - this template requires it.
type E= TypeExtractor</ [ f32, 4s ] />::ElementType;

fn Foo() : E
    return 3.14f;
// Template with default signature argument.
template</ type T, type U />
struct S</ T, U= i32 />
    T t;
    U u;

fn Foo()
    var S</ f32 /> s0{ .t= 0.0f, .u= 0 }; // No second argument specified - default signature argument "i32" will be used.
    var S</ i32, bool /> s1{ .t= 5, .u= false }; // The second argument is specified.

It’s allowed to define multiple type templates with the same name, but different signature parameters. In case if it’s possible to instantiate more than one template, more specialized one will be chosen.

Specialization rules are the following: a specific type is better than an array, tuple, template type. An array, tuple, template type is better that a template parameter.

template</ type T, size_type S />
struct S</ [ T, S ] />
    auto x= 1;

template</ type T />
struct S</ T />
    auto x= 2;

static_assert( S</ i32 />::x == 2 );
static_assert( S</ [ f32, 64s ] />::x == 1 );

Template value arguments

As mentioned above, value template arguments are also possible (not only type arguments). These values should be of one of the allowed types - bool, integer types, character types, byte-types. Arrays and tuples are also possible, if their element types are types, listed above.

enum E { A, B, C }
type ArgType= tup[ [ i32, 2 ], char8, bool, E ];

// Struct template with composite value parameter.
template</ ArgType arg /> struct S {}

var ArgType constexpr my_arg[ [ 7, -5 ], "y"c8, true, E::B ];

// Parameterize the template with a composite value.
type MyS= S</ my_arg />;

Template arguments - type templates

Type templates may be also used as template arguments. But it’s only possible to use non-overloaded type templates as template arguments.

template</type T/> struct Box{ T val; }

template</ type template Container /> // This struct template has a single parameter - type template.
struct ContainedIntPair
    // Use type template - parameter of this template.
    Container</i32/> first;
    Container</i32/> second;

type BoxedIntPair= ContainedIntPair</ Box />; // Pass as template argument "Box" type template.

var BoxedIntPair pair{ .first{ .val= 66 }, .second{ .val= 77 } };

Type alias templates

There are also templates for type aliases. They are similar to struct or class templates.

template</ type T />
struct Box{ T t; }

template</ type T /> type BoxAlias= Box</ T />; // A template for a template struct.
template</ type T /> type MyVec3= [ T, 3 ]; // A template for an array.