
static_assert is a way to check in compile-time that some condition is true. This operator consists of static_assert keyword and a constant expression in () after this keyword. The type of the expression must be bool. If the result of the expression is false the compiler will produce an error.

fn Foo()
    static_assert( 75 / 3 == 25 ); // Ok, expression is true
    static_assert( 0.0f != 0.0f ); // Expression is false - an error will be produced

static_assert may me used inside function bodies, inside structs and classes, inside namespaces.

static_assert( true ); // Inside root namespace
namespace N
    static_assert( 1 + 2 == 3 ); // Inside namespace

struct S
    static_assert( typeinfo</i32/>.size_of == 4s ); // Inside struct

fn Foo()
    static_assert( 8u % 3u == 2u ); // Inside function

There is also static_assert with a message, that is specified after comma after the condition expression. If the expression result is false, the compiler will display this message together with the error.

static_assert( false, "es tut mir leid" );

The compiler will produce something like this:

error: Static assertion failed: Es tut mir leid.