
Ü has a namespaces mechanism, that allows to structure programs. Each namespace has a name and can contain definitions inside, including nested namespaces. Namespaces are defined with usage of namespace keyword and {}. Inside {} namespace members are specified. It’s allowed to define same namespace multiple times, further definitions will extend previous ones. All namespaces and other things are located inside the root namespace or in one of nested namespaces.

namespace A
    class SomeClass{ i32 x; }

    namespace Inner // Nested namespace.
        fn Bar(i32 x);

namespace A // Extend existing namespace.
    fn AFunc();

namespace F
    class SomeClass{ f32 y; } // A class with the same name already exists, but in other namespace, which means that this is not a redefinition error.

// Root namespace elements.
struct S{}
fn Foo();

It’s allowed to define things with the same name in different namespaces, including child/parent namespaces. In the last case child namespace names will shadow same names in the parent namespace.

Name lookup

The compiler performs name lookup (almost) for each name usage in a program text. Lookup starts in current namespace and continues to its ancestors until target name will be found.

namespace A
    namespace B
        struct S{}
        namespace C
             fn Foo()
                 var S s; // A::B::S will be found

It is possible to perform lookup from specific namespace by specifying partial name address with :: separator. In this case namespace lookup happens first (using rules describing above) and than lookup within a specific namespace is performed. For root namespace specifying a name should start with ::.

namespace A
    struct S{}
    namespace B
        struct S{}
        namespace C
             fn Foo()
                 var A::S s0; // A::S will be found
                 var B::S s1; // A::B::S will be found
                 var A::B::S s2; // A::B::S will be found
                 var ::A::S s3; // A::S will be found
                 var ::A::B::S s4; //  A::B::S will be found

Additional namespace kinds

Structs, classes, enums are also namespaces. It’s possible to access their members with ::.

struct S
    type Int= i32;

class C
    fn Bar();

    struct F
        type FT= f64;

enum E

fn Foo()
    var S::Int i= 0; // Access a type alias which is a struct member.
    C::Bar(); // Access a function which is a class member.
    var C::F::FT f= 0.0; // Access a type alias which is a member of struct inside a class.
    var E e= E::G; // Access an enum element.