Function pointers

There is a possibility in Ü to save a function address into a pointer and than call this function with it.

Function pointer is a separate type kind. Its name is started with fn keyword, than follow parameters description, (optional) reference pollution, (optional) unsafe modifier, return value description.

type simple_fn = fn();
type int_ret_fn = fn() : i32;
type f_arg_fn = fn(f32 x) : f32;
type ref_ret_fn = fn(i32 &x) : i32&;
type binary_fn = fn(i64 x, i64 y) : i64;
type unsafe_fn = fn(u32 x) unsafe : bool;

It’s necessary to initialize function pointer. It’s possible to initialize it with zero_init, but program execution will be terminated in case if such zero function pointer is called. Usually a function pointer is initialized with a function.

fn Bar();

fn Foo()
    var (fn()) fn_ptr = Bar;
    fn_ptr(); // "Bar" function will be called

When multiple functions with the same name exist, the function with matching type will be chosen.

fn Bar(i32 x) : i32;
fn Bar(f32 x) : f32;

fn Foo()
    var ( fn(f32 x) : f32 ) fn_ptr = Bar; // "Bar(f32 x) : f32" function will be chosen
    var f32 res= fn_ptr(0.0f);

It’s possible to initialize a function pointer with another function pointer.

fn Bar0();
fn Bar1();
fn Bar2();

type fn_ptr_type= fn();
fn Foo()
    var fn_ptr_type mut fn_ptr= zero_init;
    fn_ptr = fn_ptr_type(Bar0);
    fn_ptr(); // "Bar0" function will be called
    fn_ptr = fn_ptr_type(Bar1);
    fn_ptr(); // "Bar1" function will be called

There is a possibility to perform implicit conversion from a function into a pointer, but only if there is only one function with such name.

fn Bar();
fn Baz( ( fn() ) ptr );
fn Foo()
    var ( fn() ) mut ptr= zero_init;
    ptr= Bar; // Implicitly convert "Bar" into a pointer in assignment.
    Baz( Bar ); // Implicitly convert "Bar" into a pointer in function argument passing.

Function pointer conversions

It’s allowed to initialize a function pointer with a value of different function pointer type. But the type of this function pointer must be compatible.

Compatibility rules are following:

  • Return types must be equal
  • Return reference modifiers must be the same
  • It’s allowed to convert a function pointer returning mut reference to a function pointer returning imut reference. Backward conversion isn’t allowed.
  • The number of parameters must be the same
  • All parameter types must be the same
  • Reference modifiers of parameters must be the same
  • It’s allowed to convert a function pointer with imut reference parameter to a function pointer with mut reference parameter. Backward conversion is not allowed.
  • Conversion is possible while converting a pointer returning less logical references to function pointer returning more logical references
  • Conversion is possible while converting a pointer performing less reference pollution to function pointer performing more reference pollution
  • It’s possible to convert pointer to safe function into pointer to unsafe function.
fn IMutArgFn( i32 &imut x );
var ( fn( i32 &mut x ) ) mut_arg_fn_ptr = IMutArgFn; // Convert parameter mutability

fn MutRetFn( f32 &mut x ) : f32 &mut;
var ( fn( f32 &mut x ) : f32 &imut ) imut_ret_fn_ptr = MutRetFn;  // Convert return reference mutability

fn SafeFn();
var ( fn() unsafe ) unsafe_fn_ptr = SafeFn;  // Convert unsafe modifier

var [ [ char8, 2 ], 1 ] return_references_first[ "0_" ];
fn FirstRetFn( i32& x, i32& y ) : i32 & @(return_references_first);
var [ [ char8, 2 ], 2 ] return_references_first_and_second[ "0_", "1_" ];
var ( fn( i32& x, i32& y ) : i32 & @(return_references_first_and_second ) ) all_ret_fn_ptr = FirstRetFn; // Convert with different return references

During function pointer initialization the compiler ensures that this conversion is possible. If multiple conversions are possible an error will be generated.

fn Foo( i32 &imut x, i32 &mut y );
fn Foo( i32 &mut x, i32 &imut y );

var ( fn( i32 &mut x, i32 &mut y ) ) foo_ptr = Foo; // Error: can't select matching function - too many candidates

Function pointers comparison

There are equality compare operators for function pointers. But they are a little bit tricky. All function pointers obtained from the same function pointer will be the same. Function pointers may be or may not be equal if they point to the same function in different places of the program. Function pointers may be or may not be equal if they point to different functions.

fn Bar0(){}
fn Bar1(){}

fn Foo()
    var (fn()) ptr0= Bar0;
    var (fn()) ptr1 = ptr0;
    var (fn()) ptr2= Bar0;
    var (fn()) ptr3= Bar1;
    auto cmp0 = ptr0 == ptr1; // Result is true
    auto cmp1 = ptr0 != ptr1; // Result is false
    auto cmp2 = ptr0 == ptr2; // May be true or false
    auto cmp3 = ptr3 == ptr0; // May be true or false