C interaction

Ü code may interact with C code. C functions may be called from Ü. Ü functions also may be called from C.

For C interaction Ü has some mechanisms.

functions without name mangling

Unlike in C function names in Ü are specially encoded in order to produce different symbol names for overloaded functions and functions with the same name in different scopes. In order to disable such encoding a function may be marked as nomangle. This marker is specified after fn and optiщnal constexpr marker. A name of a function marked as nomangle will be the same as in C. Thus such function may be called from C. It’s also possible to declare a nomangle prototype for an implemented in C function in order to call it from Ü.

fn nomangle SDL_Quit() : void;

fn MyQuit()
    SDL_Quit(); // Call extrernal function

// A function that may be accessed in C code
fn nomangle SomeFoo() : i32
    return 0;

nomangle functions have some limitations:

  • Operators can’t be nomangle

  • Member functions of structs or classes can’t be nomangle

  • nomangle functions may be defined only in the root namespace

  • It’s not allowed to overload nomangle functions

Calling conventions

Functions and function pointers may have a calling convention specified. It’s specified after function parameters list and after unsafe (if it is present).

fn Foo() call_conv("C");
fn Bar(i32 x) unsafe call_conv("fast") {}
fn nomangle Baz(f32 x, f32 y) call_conv("system"){}

var (fn() call_conv("C")) ptr = Foo;

There are following calling convention names: C, default, Ü, fast, cold, system.

C is the default calling convention that is used in C and C++. default and Ü are aliases for C. If no calling convention is specified it is assumed to be C. This calling convention should be generally used for C interaction.

fast and cold are calling conventions respectively for fast and compact calls. They are not compatible with similar calling conventions in other languages and may be used only in Ü code if this has sense.

system is a platform-dependent alias for calling system functions. For most of the platforms it is an alias for the C calling convention. For 32-bit Windows it is an alias for stdcall calling convention that is used in WinAPI.

Structs with ordered fields

Regular structs and classes have no strong predefined fields order. The compiler may reorder them for better performance and/or to reduce padding. But in C this is different - fields order is guaranteed to be in the order of fields definitions. In order to use same order of fields like in C Ü has special marker for structs and classes - ordered. This marker is specified in a struct or class definition after optional class kind, parents list, optional non_sync tag. A struct with this marker will have the same order of its fields as they are defined - like in C.

In the example below both structs will have identical layout.

Ü code
 struct A ordered
     bool x;
     i32 y;
     bool z;
C++ code
 struct A
     bool x;
     int32_t y;
     bool z;

External functions

Ü has a special operator designed for accessing external functions (defined outside Ü code). It consists of keywords import and fn, function type in <//> and function name as string in (). This operator returns a function pointer for the requested function.

fn Foo()
        auto f= import fn</ fn() : i32 />( "_some_external_function" ); // Obtain a pointer for specified function
        var i32 x= f(); // Call it

It’s allowed to use this operator only in unsafe blocks and expressions. It’s necessary, since a programmer should ensure that the type specified is compatible with the type of the function defined externally and that there is no name conflicts with functions written in Ü.

This operator is intended to be used in cases, where it’s not possible to write a prototype for some external function. This may be the case, if the name of such function isn’t correct Ü name, like it starts with _, contains forbidden symbols or is an Ü keyword.

External global variables

Ü has a special operator designed for accessing external global variables (defined outside Ü code). It consists of keywords import and var, variable type in <//> and variable name as string in (). This operator returns a mutable reference for the requested global variable.

fn Foo()
        var i32 &mut x= import var</ i32 />( "__some_var" ); // Obtain a reference to required variable
        ++x; // Can modify this variable

This operator is necessary for accessing external global variables (defined outside Ü code), because there are no other ways in the language to do this. A returned reference is always mutable, if an external variable is defined as constant, changing it via this mutable reference isn’t allowed. Thread-local variables aren’t supported. One need to use this operator with caution. It’s allowed only within unsafe blocks and expressions.

C interaction limitations and warnings

Not each Ü function may be called from Ü and vice versa. There are some limitations for calls. Ü compiler doesn’t know if a function is implemented in C and thus can’t check a call correctness. Ensuring the call correctness is a programmer’s responsibility.

Value-parameters and return values may be of fundamental types, enum types, function pointer types and raw pointer types. Composite types (structs or classes, arrays, tuples) are not supported. But it’s allowed to pass and return references, they are represented internally like pointers in C.

Structs which are passed into C code or obtained from it should have the same contents and layout as in C. Exceptions are structs which fields are not accessed within Ü code and which are passed one by one (not in arrays). Such structs may have different field count and fields types, it’s only important for them to have size and alignment not less than in C code.

Tuples in Ü are equivalent to C structs with the same fields types and fields order as in the tuple. Because of that equivalent structs should be used in C code for Ü tuples.

There is no (obviously) reference checking in C code. Thus it’s important to pay attention in C interaction that no reference checking rules are violated.

For better safety it’s recommended to mark functions implemented in C as unsafe. This forces a programmer to use unsafe blocks to call these functions and thus be more careful.